Our Way of Operating is the way we drive sustainable operational practices across our plants and supply chain to reduce our impact on the environment.

At Ornua, we have a responsibility in ensuring we are driving efficiencies throughout our supply chain, reducing our overall impact on the environment.


Reduce the carbon footprint of our supply chain

Target Review Date

1 Reduce Group carbon footprint

Establish a Group baseline carbon footprint 2017

Devise a target reduction programme from 2018 – 20212017

2 Measure Member carbon footprint

Devise and deliver an annual operational sustainability questionnaire to all Member suppliers2017

3 Measure non-Member Irish supplier’s carbon footprint

Devise and deliver an annual operational sustainability questionnaire to all non-Member suppliers2018

4 Establish third party transport and logistics carbon footprint

Complete a full audit to establish a baseline of Ornua’s third party transport and logistics carbon footprint2017

Devise a target reduction programme from 2018 – 20212017


Reduce the consumption of water in our supply chain

Target Review Date

1 Reduce Group water usage

Establish Group water usage baseline2017

Devise a target reduction programme from 2018 – 20212017

2 Measure Member supplier water usage

Establish Member supplier water usage baseline as per MT of product sourced2018

3 Measure non-Member supplier water usage

Establish non-Member supplier water usage baseline2018

Goal 3

Reduce waste across all Ornua plants and offices

1 Reduce Group waste production

Establish Group waste production baseline2017

Devise programme with targets to improve or reduce waste management from 2018 - 20212017

Goal 4

Embed an operational efficiency programme, the OrnuaWay, across all Ornua plants

1 Embed an operational efficiency programme, the OrnuaWay, across all Ornua plants

Eight manufacturing facilities operating to a minimum of level two operational excellence maturity level 2018

Goal 5

Guide all staff on resource use efficiency

1 Educate staff about resource use efficiency

Devise and implement a resource use efficiency educational programme and launch to all staff2017

Goal 6

Source environmentally and socially sustainable products, packaging and ingredients

1 Investigate environmental impacts of all Group non-dairy items

Devise and deliver non-dairy items supplier sustainability questionnaire 2017

Devise key sustainability projects to implement in 2018 2017

Goal 7

Maintain fully verified Origin Green status

1 Achieve Origin Green plan targets

Devise Ornua Member Supplier Sustainability Policy2017

Reduce food waste through contribution of c.5,000kg of product per year to Foodcloud2017

Reduce water usage by 10% per person in head office2018

Reduce waste production by 30% per person in head office 2018

Devise a target reduction programme for resource use at Kerrygold Park2018