Our Way of Farming is the way we support and promote Ireland’s grass-fed family farming system.

As a co-operative, it is our responsibility to support and promote Ireland’s grass-fed family farming system, and in doing so, protect our vibrant dairy industry for generations to come.


Support and promote Ireland’s grass-fed family farming system

Target Review Date

1 Educate and promote the Sustainable Dairy Assurance Scheme (SDAS)

Devise and roll-out an SDAS educational programme to both internal and external stakeholders.2017

In partnership with Bord Bia and the industry, reach 100% SDAS certification 2018

2 Establish a national grass-fed standard

Work with industry partners to establish a recognised national grass-fed standard 2017

3 Support the highest standards of animal welfare

In partnership with Teagasc, develop a protocol for welfare assessment of cows in a grass-fed farming system2017

4 Support the highest standards of animal health

In partnership with Animal Health Ireland, support the Cell Check Quality Milk Awards and award the top 500 farmers ranked on somatic cell count – target of average of 100,000 cells/ml2017

In partnership with Animal Health Ireland, ensure 75% of milk supplied by Irish dairy farmers will have an SCC 2020 of 200,000 cells/ml or less2020

5 Recognise and promote excellence in dairy farming in Ireland

Deliver the NDC & Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards programme that recognises standards of excellence in Irish dairy farming2017

Promote best practice on Irish dairy farms through the delivery of a comprehensive marketing and communications programme nationally2017


Improve the carbon efficiency of Irish dairy farming

Target Review Date

1 Calculate the farm level carbon footprint apportioned to Ornua product 2017
2 Develop a report on Irish dairy farming and climate change through our participation on the Irish Co-operative Organisation Society Climate Change Working Group 2017