Wide range of cheddar products available. Everything from premium Irish cheese to value added analogues/imitation cheese
- Excellent flavour
- Highly functional cheese
- Multiple diverse format and pack size options for further processing
- Wide range of functional properties
- Brand packaging
- Functional label claims
- Regulatory support for claims & labeling
- MRE & shelf stable (Imitation/Analogue cheese)
- Customized functionality/formulations
- Hand selected for customer requirements (Natural Cheese)
- Rich in calcium (Natural cheese)
- Produced with milk from grass-fed cow (Natural Cheese)
- For inclusion in further processing
- Ready Meals
- Sandwiches
- Sauces
- Hand held appetizers
- All pizza applications
- Burgers
- Pies
- Snacking cheese
- Baked potatoes
- Pasta dishes